Tadano Group released a statement yesterday regarding the restructure of its German operations in order to "ensure long term competitiveness". It remains committed to serving its global customer base.
Read the full press release HERE. CLICK HERE to read October's newsletter.
Got something interesting happening around your way? Get in touch and we'll feature it in our next newsletter. The Construction and Infrastructure interim Establishment Board (IEB) launched engagement on the establishment of the new Workforce Development Council for the Construction and Infrastructure sector on 8 September 2020.
CANZ Executive Officer Sarah Toase attended a webinar on 18th September as part of this consultation and advises that it is vital for members to be across this significant change. Despite our initial opposition to RoVE, we are working to understand the new structure and to ensure the voice of our industry is heard. CANZ is working to ensure our members interests are represented. READ MORE With the recent announcement that our economy is now in a recession, it’s best if I keep this month’s Word from the President short and sweet as there will – undoubtedly – be a lot on people’s plates.
As a result of the country’s falling GDP, our industry and our businesses will obviously face increasingly difficult times. And as these economic times become tougher, the regulatory requirements and compliance costs are likely to follow suit. However, it shouldn’t deter us – it certainly won’t deter the Association – from ensuring that we continue to grow and remain a construction sector leader. We can navigate it more efficiently as one unit, because as the saying goes – there is strength in numbers. And a collection of voices is more likely to influence, or bend the ear of, policymakers than any one individual can. READ MORE CANZ NEWSLETTER ARTICLE
Scott McLeod isn’t afraid of bringing up a topic of discussion if it means others might learn from it and ensure everyone goes home safe. He’s also not afraid of admitting a stuff up too, especially if it encourages the industry to take note. In a non-injury event, picked up by an Environment Health and Safety Manager, an operator was standing on an upper works cab access platform while training the crane driver. During a crane packing up, the crane operator received an SLI Error Code and engaged his trainer to help him understand and clear the condition. READ MORE In a new three-part series about regulations, the Crane Association of New Zealand’s Past President, Scott McLeod, outlines the hierarchy of control measures in this month's
'The Technical Corner'. It’s a mouthful – Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016. But it is a regulation that shouldn’t be overlooked, especially in the crane industry, because there are a number of interesting things to note since it came into force, Scott says. READ MORE |
November 2024