This morning I attended an event run by the Wellington Chamber of Commerce, with keynote speaker Hon Michael Wood. Minister Wood is the Minister responsible for the Plant & Structures Legislation and therefore I took the opportunity to ask him why it's delayed and when we can expect it. Check it out here --> Here's a rundown of the rest of the event. Minister Wood set the scene by urging us to remember this is very much still at time of transition in New Zealand, with borders only having been fully open for four weeks. New Zealand is still reconnecting with the world, transitioning out of pandemic settings and reopening for business. The government recognises that the rates of productivity in New Zealand are low and is focussed on addressing this issue. This is viewed as fundamental to the long term strategic growth for the economy. Minister Wood made it clear that the government sees moving to a low carbon economy as being hand in glove with this initiative. Good quality freight and infrastructure lead to a low carbon economy. Indeed, the Minister stated that there are no successful thriving cities across the world, who's transport plan that involves increasing the number of cars coming into its city centre. Minister Wood then ran through each of his portfolios - key points summary below: Transport
Plant & Structure Regulations - the Minister advised: Q. What is causing the delay? A. The sheer complexity of the legislation and the work required to make sure it’s good legislation. Also a choke point when it comes to the people needed at parliament dealing with this legislation. Q. When will we see the draft out for final public consultation - is the government committed to getting this done before the end of its term? A. The final draft for consultation is expected out in the next couple of months. Well, what a conference!
Thank you to everyone for coming together for this amazing event. We had the largest ever crane event held in NZ and can’t wait until next year! Congratulations to the winners of the Crane Awards 2022: Trainee of the Year – Catherine Dudson Trainer of the Year – Leverage Training PTE Trainer of the Year – Major Oak Safety Training Ltd Training Company of the Year – NZ Crane Hire People’s Choice Award – Smith Crane & Construction Ltd Pacifica Building Tower Crane Demob / TC 2 Removal Leader of the Year - Stuart Hindley Lift of the Year – HEB Construction & Smith Crane & Construction Ltd - Peacocke Bridge Pier Installation Project of the Year - Smith Crane & Construction Ltd - Turitea Wind Farm You can check out the photos from the conference here |
November 2024