You may be aware that the Government have announced their intention to change the vocational education system in New Zealand. The government’s view is that the system implemented after the RoVE project has not worked. This includes the disestablishment of Te Pukenga and broader considerations such as the fate of the Workforce Development Councils. As the next step in these plans, the Minister for Tertiary Education has just released a public consultation document which asks for feedback on what the system will look like. They have provided options for review and feedback. Read the full consultation document HERE. Add your voice to the WDC submission. Waihanga Ara Rau making it easy for you to have your say in the future structure of the vocational education system. You will have seen that the Government have started consulting on substantial structural changes to the Vocational Education and Training system. This proposal has major implications for the future of your workforce, how people train, and attracting people into our sector. This will have long term consequences for our sector. This is a crucial opportunity for you and others in construction and infrastructure to heavily influence workplace training and career progression in construction and infrastructure for years to come. The WDC aim to make it easy for you to tell the Government what you think and choose an option that’s best for you and your industry.They will achieve this by:
Join the webinars The WDC will be hosting short informational webinars to provide more information about the proposals, our initial take on the options and next steps. They encourage you and your teams to book onto these. More details are available here. Keep checking this page for details and resources as they update this page. CANZ Submission CANZ is a vocal industry advocate when it comes to the issues that affects its members. We are working through the consultation document and will certainly be making a submission on behalf of the industry. It is our view that vocational learning has not been well managed in quite some time and we will strongly push for a system that supports accessible, affordable, high quality training for the kiwi crane industry. Want to include your thoughts in our submission? Email Sarah Toase or give her a call to discuss your thoughts. |
November 2024